What the heck even is a “Product Person”?
Here’s my definition:
Def. “Product Person” \ prod-uh kt pur-suh n \ noun.
1. Someone obsessed with creating, growing, or improving a good or service for a customer or audience.
2. The person reading this 😉
Why subscribe? 🤔
The pitch
🌍 There are thousands of useful guides, tips, blog posts, and articles that you can read to help you improve as a product person.
🤓 But, I know how busy you are. Out there, building and growing your products. Look at you go. I'm proud of you.
🕵️ So I saved you the time and found the best ones for you and will send you one every week, along with a summary, in a free newsletter.
The value
💎 Every week, I’ll send you a summary and a link to 1 article that I think will help you become a better all-around “product person.” Whether it’s useful information on:
How to storytell about a product 📚
How to start & grow a product 🌱
Or, how to build a product 🛠️
🖇️ Here are a few examples of the kind of articles that’ll appear in my newsletter:
Well, hopefully that’s sold you on the newsletter. What are you still doing reading this?? Subscribe already :)
Oh, and don’t worry about missing anything because every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.
See ya in your inbox 😜
About Me 👋
My name is Nick, and I try to help everyone become the best version of themselves based in New York City.